The Fulbright Scholar Core Program offers nearly 600 teaching, research or combination teaching/research awards in over 125 countries. Opportunities are available for college and university faculty and administrators as well as for professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent scholars and many others. In addition to several new program models designed to meet the changing needs of U.S. academics and professionals, Fulbright is offering more opportunities for flexible, multi-country grants.
Grantees will teach undergraduate courses and may also be asked to assist the host institution with curriculum and program development, supervise graduate students, or do both. Proposals to teach cultural anthropology, architecture and urban planning, and creative writing are discouraged, as Mongolian universities do not have developed programs in these fields.
Applicants should hold the appropriate terminal degree and have at least 2 years of university teaching experience or the professional equivalent. Those holding associate or full professor rank are preferred, but assistant professors will also be considered. Lectures are in English, but an ability to speak Mongolian or Russian is advantageous.
Schooling for dependent children is available for K-12, but opportunities are limited for students in grades 9-12.
English, but knowledge of Mongolian or Russian is encouraged.
Grant Period
2-12 months: Mongolian academic year is early September to mid-June. A semester runs between Sep – Jan and Feb – Jun. The start date is subject to agreement by the host institution and the U.S. Embassy in Ulaanbaatar when necessary.
Early education, distance education, biology and environmental science, environmental economics, sustainable development, nano-technology, mining, journalism, special education, law, economics, political science, business administration, study of the United States, arts management, cultural preservation, financial mathematics, marketing, and international relations.
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