Joint Statement from U.S.-Mongolia TIFA Talks

Today, senior U.S. Government officials and officials from the Government of Mongolia convened in Ulaanbaatar to resume the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA)—talks last held in 2008. TIFA serves as an important forum for fostering the U.S.-Mongolia trade and investment relationship. With the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Mongolia’s “decision for democracy,” these high-level Talks support Mongolia’s efforts to develop a prosperous market-based economy by encouraging dialogue about mutual advancement of trade and investment opportunities.

Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Ambassador Holleyman chaired the plenary sessions. The Mongolian delegation was led by Her Excellency N. Oyundari, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs. Discussions focused on increasing U.S.-Mongolian cooperation on a range of issues, including legal and regulatory frameworks, implementing the U.S.-Mongolia Transparency Agreement, investment opportunities, bidding procedures for government-sponsored projects, intellectual property rights, and mutual trade promotion.Specific outcomes of the 2015 TIFA Talks included agreement on next steps for implementing the Transparency Agreement, trade promotion programs and trade missions, and technical information exchanges in the commercial law field. Both Mongolia and the United States agreed to meet in 2016 in Washington, D.C. to hold the 6th TIFA Talks.